Our Author

Aditi Dhaaniya
About the author
Aditi, 23 years old, is New Delhi based, graduated from University of Delhi, a student, a tutor and now officially a writer. She has an inexhaustible energy throughout the day. Grown up in a merrier environment, where love is deep-rooted though she is self-directed; justifies her name, optimistic and focused, always onto something new. When she is not writing, she’s indulged in cooking as she learns from her Maa, as in her case learning never stops. She likes to bake, has a sweet tooth, travels and keeps her eyes on the new releases of sneakers, being a big time sneaker head. She has a Nephophilia. The thing she enjoys the most is making new doggos as her friends and feeding them post the playtime also habitual of saying ‘hi to the doggo(s)’ who passes her. An admitted sports fanatic, she feeds her addiction by playing badminton and gully cricket either with the society kids or friends on weekends. Currently holding hope in one hand and love in another to map out the future.