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Indian Women (an inner dialogue)
Prof. Indira J. Parikh, Pulin K. Garg
About the book
This powerful and timely book explores the inner world of Indian women. it is based on workshops and dialogues which the authors conducted with a very large number of women from all over India and from diverse backgrounds - the poor and the well-to-do, villagers and urbanites, women who work in offices and those who run homes, daughters, wives, mothers and grandmothers. Containing as it does the distilled essence of the innermost feelings of Indian women, this book has an immediacy and a relevance not just for all Indians but for men and women all over the world. The authors trace the journey of women to maturity and the many thresholds they cross on the way. They deal with women's processes of being and becoming and the heritage of folklore, myths and role models which influence and affect these processes. The authors outline five major role models for women which are dominant in Indian society. Tracing the historical loci of these models, the authors argue that even though these models have become out dated given the Ehanging mores and life-styles, Indian women are still expected to conform to them. This clash between role expectations and current realities has created considerable tension for today's woman and is the major source of her pathos. However, while women are at the receiving end of many negative attitudes and constricting stereotypes in Indian society, the authors believe that, in the final analysis, they are often victims of their own restricted vision. They believe that Indian women (as also men) still have to discover a third identity which is neither male nor female but human. This identity encompasses the other two identities and, is a liberating and life-giving force which can revitalise not just women but society at large. This exciting and absorbing book will be of interest to scholars from a wide range of disciplines while being essential reading for all men and women.

Shrusti babubhai Dabhi Verified Buyer
" INDIAN WOMEN " is a powerful and eye-opening exploration of the myriad experiences of Indian women in contemporary society. This book delves deep into the multifaceted lives of Indian women, shedding light on the complexities of their roles, expectations, and the treatment they receive within the societal framework. The author's meticulous research and empathetic storytelling make this book a compelling read. Through the lens of personal narratives, interviews, and statistical data, the author paints a vivid picture of the challenges and triumphs faced by Indian women. From the rural villages to urban centers, the book spans the breadth of India, capturing the diversity of experiences that women from different backgrounds undergo. One of the book's strongest aspects is its unflinching portrayal of the harsh realities faced by many Indian women, from issues of gender-based violence to unequal opportunities in education and the workplace. It serves as a call to action, encouraging readers to reflect on the pressing need for change in Indian society. Moreover, "INDIAN WOMEN – AN INNER DIALOGUE" doesn't merely dwell on the challenges; it also celebrates the resilience, strength, and achievements of Indian women who have broken barriers and carved out their own paths. It offers a glimmer of hope and inspiration for those seeking positive change. In conclusion, "INDIAN WOMEN” is a compelling, thought-provoking, and essential read for anyone interested in understanding the status of Indian women in society. It is a clarion call for gender equality and empowerment, making it not just a book but a catalyst for change. This book should be required reading for all, as it sparks important conversations and paves the way for a more inclusive and equitable India.